We are a digital studio specialising in making web products and services. We focus mainly on creating new businesses through our product lab.

We also offer consulting services that help businesses to design, develop and deliver their projects, as well as measure how effective those projects are at meeting their goals.

Product Lab

The product lab is where we try to take an idea for a product and turn it into a profitable business, similar in vein to early-stage startups, but with a strong emphasis on profitability over growth.

We work to avoid the pitfalls of building the wrong products, and making sure that we build a business that can grow sustainably.

What we look for

We like to test out ideas with these characteristics

Serves a real want/need

Establishing product-market fit is key. We look to build things that customers want and need.

Revenue Costs Graph

Financially sustainable

We look at whether those products can scale revenues disproportionally to costs (such as SaaS products).

Can be bootstrapped

We look at whether a business for that product could work with low costs & little working capital.

How does it work?

We take an an idea and put it through this process

Explore the idea
Identify the MVP
Validate the offering
Create a business model
Explore the idea

We take the idea and explore it, so that we can build a good understanding of what the product is, what customers it serves, and what value it gives them.

We also explore the market around it, so that we get a better understanding of where a product fits within it. We also use tools like assumption mapping to identify which assumptions we can rely on, and which need to be tested.

What is currently being worked on?

We are working on a set of software productivity libraries.


We also offer web development consulting services for businesses that need experienced developers to come in and help get projects delivered.

With over a decade of experience working in startups, small businesses and large multinational corporations, we have a lot of hard-earned knowledge and skills to bring to projects.

How do we work with clients?

This is our approach to projects

Get the brief
Review & sign contract
User Stories Workshop
Sprint planning
Sprint execution
Get the brief

We work with the client to get a detailed project brief written down on paper. Sometimes the client will have a brief prepared already, and we will simply add any details that aren't covered in that.

This helps to create a shared understanding about the project between ourselves and the client. More importantly, it helps to define what the expected outcomes are from the project, but also how the project is expected to achieve that.

What technologies do we use?

Here is the tech stack that we use.

What projects have we delivered?

You can find out more by clicking on the link below

See our work